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8 Tips For Developing a Positive and Productive Remote Work Culture

8 Tips For Developing a Positive and Productive Remote Work Culture

The workplace is going hybrid. Work can only happen anywhere when it’s digitized and connected.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers have gone from an in-office environment to one that is either 100% remote or a hybrid working model that is a combination of time split between remote and in-office work. Cultivating and adapting to a remote work culture in a team that’s used to working in the same office takes an openness to adapt to change, setting up routines, and utilizing key tools. 

remote work


8 tips to switch from an in-office culture to a (partly) remote work environment.

  1. Create team routines.
    Have regular check-ins. Whether that’s a weekly all team meeting, a morning stand-up with a specific project team, or 1:1’s; keep in contact, make sure everyone has clear direction, and continue to build team relationships.

  2. Use your chat and video tools.
    Back to point #1, utilize your chat and video options to have that constant interaction and face time. You don’t have the option for a quick convo in the breakroom with your co-worker, so send a chat, work-related or not. Communicate, communicate, communicate.

  3. Turn your video on during your meetings.
    Believe it or not, your co-workers want to see your face!  Teachers are making this a requirement during remote learning. Consider implementing a “video on” default for your team meetings.

  4. Create a comfortable home office environment.
    Make sure your home office feels like a real office so you can minimize distractions and concentrate on the tasks at hand.

  5. Get a headset.
    Not only does this help minimize background noise, it allows your co-workers to hear you clearly.

  6. Get outside, get exercise.
    Make sure to get your body moving. Take 30 minutes at lunch or a 10 minute break to get up, go for a walk, or just move around and keep your body awake.

  7. Keep desk space in the office for your remote workers.
    This will help them feel welcome when they come into the office.  Meeting face-to-face with your co-workers is important for productivity as well as team bonding.

  8. Keep a positive attitude.
    Always. Negativity can sabotage success. Change can be difficult but keeping an open mind and a positive attitude goes a long way.

hybrid work

Maintaining good habits can help ease the transition from an in-office culture to a partly remote-working culture, as well as contribute to keeping remote workers on track and camaraderie among team members.

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