The Tek Blog

Articles for business leaders covering topics such as technology, cybersecurity, and compliance.

Cybersecurity (3)

microsoft exchange

3 min read

Microsoft Exchange Hack. Patch Now!

Urgent patching necessary. Microsoft continues to see increased attacks targeting unpatched systems by multiple malicious actors beyond Hafnium...

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spear phishing

4 min read

7 Reasons Why Spear Phishing Attacks are Successful

Phishing/social engineering is the #1 cause of data breaches and the primary delivery method for ransomware.

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Spam Email

3 min read

Why You Need Spam Email Filtering

According to Help Net Security, 90% of successful cyberattacks occur through email-based attacks. Additionally, 1 out of every 8 employees shares the...

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wind farm

1 min read

Teknologize and Uptime Podcast on IT and Cybersecurity for Wind Farms

Interesting conversation around the IT and Cybersecurity demands of the modern wind farm and the critical technology running behind the scenes....

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Data Breach

2 min read

Data Breach Notifications Laws for Oregon State

What does Oregon law require you to do, and who are you required to notify? What happens if you don’t notify anyone?

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Email Security

1 min read

Email Security: 4 Simple Tips to Keep Your Business Email Secure

There are over 300 million fraudulent sign-in attempts to Microsoft cloud services every day.

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Business Continuity and Downtime

2 min read

Business Continuity: How to Be Prepared for Downtime or an IT Disaster

Flood. Power outage. Cyberattack. Supply chain failure or a disgruntled employee. Disruptions to your business can happen at any moment causing...

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BYOD Mobile Device Management

8 min read

BYOD: Let’s Talk about Mobile Device Management

87% of companies are dependent to some extent on their employee’s ability to access mobile business apps from their personal smartphones. (Source:...

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Data Breach Notification

2 min read

Data Breach Notifications Laws for Washington State

New data breach protections give Washington one of the most robust data breach notification policies in the country.

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Incident Response Email Breach

4 min read

Incident Response: How to Respond to an Email Breach

Business Email Compromise earned hackers $1.3 billion in a year. (Source: Internet Crime Complaint Center)

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healthcare cyber attack

8 min read

The Human Toll of a Healthcare Cyberattack

Vermont hospital cyber attack “Clinics were filled with tears, yelling and anxiety and stress”.

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SolarWinds Supply Chain Breach

2 min read

SolarWinds Orion Supply Chain Breach Update

Roughly 198 organizations, overall, were hacked using the SolarWind backdoor, according to Allan Liska, a threat analyst at Recorded Future. Source:...

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Sunburst Malware SolarWinds

2 min read

SUNBURST Malware and SolarWinds Supply Chain Breach

As reported approximately 2 weeks ago, the US Government and thousands of public and private sector organizations around the world had their networks...

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SolarWinds Hack

5 min read

Massive SolarWinds Hack Impacting 18,000 Organizations

18,000 organizations have malicious code in their network, and 50 of them have suffered major breaches.

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BEC Scam

3 min read

I Fell Victim to Business Email Compromise. Now What?

The FBI defines Business Email Compromise (BEC) as “a sophisticated scam that targets both businesses and individuals who perform valid...

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2 min read

CyberSecurity: Journey, Culture and Strategy

It doesn't have to be a big stress in your life. You can have that peace of mind, but it does take time, attention, planning and strategy...

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incident response

4 min read

Four Steps of an Incident Response Plan

Hackers attack every 39 seconds, on average 2,244 times a day. (University of Maryland) Incidents are cyber events that can include a cyberattack,...

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safe online shopping

1 min read

Stay Safe Online - 5 Tips for Safe Online Shopping

The holiday shopping season is well underway, and many are choosing to shop primarily online due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Online shopping opens the...

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4 min read

What is the Definition of Phishing?

phish·ing /ˈfiSHiNG/ noun the practice of using fraudulent e-mails and copies of legitimate websites to extract financial data from computer users...

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endpoint security

2 min read

What's the Difference Between Antivirus and Endpoint Security?

Every endpoint connected to the Internet faces 1.5 attacks per minute. According to a study by the Ponemon Institute, 68% of organizations have...

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password security

2 min read

10 Tips for Better Password Security

81% of data breaches are caused by compromised, weak, and reused passwords. Password security is a key to keeping your information safe on the web.

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email phishing

1 min read

Local Businesses Falling Prey to Phishing Email!

Teknologize has recently seen a major uptick in email-based cyberattacks happening right now and right here in our own backyard.

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Cyber Attacks Target Healthcare

2 min read

FBI Warns Imminent Cyber Attacks Threatening Healthcare

In a joint alert, Wednesday October 28th, 2020 from the FBI, DHS, and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency states “credible...

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Business Email Compromise (BEC)

3 min read

Business Email Compromise (BEC) & Wire Fraud

Also known as CEO Fraud. Listen to CEO, Byron Martin, explain how hackers can get access to your email and what to be aware of. This is a billion...

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2 min read

Top 4 Cybersecurity Basics to Implement Now

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Instituted by the Department of Homeland Security in 2016, this month is a time where we want to...

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multi-factor authentication

2 min read

What is Multifactor Authentication (MFA)?

"Only 11% of enterprise users make use of those tools (Speaking of MFA). That means a staggering 89% of accounts remain open to fairly simple...

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Security Awareness Training

3 min read

What is Security Awareness Training?

92% of all breaches could have been prevented with a Security Awareness Training program. Security Awareness Training is a means to educate and train...

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Business Email Compromise, CEO Fraud

4 min read

What is Business Email Compromise (BEC) aka CEO Fraud?

More than 30,700 organizations were targeted in the first quarter of 2020 with Business Email Compromise attacks.

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2 min read

Work from Home - 4 Ways to Stay Secure

Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have spent the last few months scrambling to get their staff properly set up for remote work.

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MDR Shield

2 min read

What is Managed Detection and Response (MDR)?

The Average Time it takes to identify a data breach is 197 days. The average time it takes to contain a breach is 69 days. With the volume of cyber...

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Ransomware Attack via Phishing

4 min read

What is Ransomware?

The average ransom paid by a victim, increased by 60%, rising from $111,605 to $178,254 - according to a recent report from Coveware, comparing the...

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About RansomCloud

2 min read

Introducing RansomCloud. The Evolution of Ransomware.

RansomCloud attacks your cloud data! It’s a ransomware attack built for the cloud...

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Business email compromise BEC

1 min read

5 Tips to Prevent Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is one of the leading cyber threats today so it's important to know that there are many valuable tips for keeping...

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The Dark Web

1 min read

What is the Dark Web?

There are multiple layers to the internet. The Dark Web is an unseen layer contained within the Deep Web, another sub-layer of the Internet that is...

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Business Email Compromise Millions of Attacks

3 min read

FBI Reports Business Email Compromise (BEC) Cost Businesses $1.7B in 2019

Let me tell you a True Story about a Business Email Compromise BEC. It was one of those calls that I sometimes dread not knowing entirely what to...

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manufacturing ransomware image

2 min read

Manufacturing Represents 62% of Ransomware Payouts

Manufacturing Represents 62% of all Ransomware Payments In 2017 Kivu facilitated ransom payments of over $17m for over 143 cases . Of this they took...

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